Drinking water supply at the door step was a dream for the people of Musatakiri Village of Kasipur Block. The village is surrounded by the dense forest. NTFP collection is the main occupation of the villagers. Drinking water was the main problem of the village. One dug well in the village was not able to meet the requirement of people as a result they depend on streams. The dependency on this water sources causes diarrhea and water related diseases. Digging well is also not possible due to hilly area. The villagers identified a perennial stream and Shakti Organisation made technical feasibility study. Then Shakti Organisation facilitated villagers to bring the water from source through gravity flow technique and supplied water by constructing household level stand posts in all 30 households. The Villagers contributed in terms of local materials and labour and made it success full. Shakti Organisation mobilized fund from OTELP to take up this project. The water supply through individual stand post was completed within six months and people received clean tap water at the door step 24 hours in a day. This project not only helped the villagers to save their time in fetching water but enabled the women to start some extra income generating activities utilizing their surplus time which was otherwise lost while carrying the water from distance sources.
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