August 9, 2011


SHAKTI got a  new project from UNICEF to work at Rayagada district named SURAKHYA .

OVHA (Orissa Voluntary Health Association) and UNICEF in partnership with the Government of Orissa are launching this IYCF (Infant and Young Child Feeding ) initiative in the state as Project SURAKHYA. The project aims to introduce, improve, strengthen evaluate and sustain the key infant and young child feeding practices at the household and community level .

To reduce childhood morbidity and mortality it is necessary to focus on avoiding malnutrition in children below the age of 2 years. Of all proven preventive health and nutrition interventions, IYCF Practices  have the single greatest potential impact on child survival. Therefore, reduction of child mortality can be reached only when nutrition in early childhood and IYCF specifically are highly prioritized in national policies and strategies.

This initiative looks at strengthening interpersonal communication of frontline functionaries for counselling mothers and care givers on improved IYCF practices

          SURAKHYA: This is a Odiya word meaning the act of protection.