December 30, 2011



CHAITI-2011,the state level tribal festival of sports and culture was organized by the Rayagada District Administration in collaboration with ORMAS from 25th to 29th November at G.C.D High school ground,Rayagada, where CHILDLINE-Rayagada was one of the participant to disseminate the CHILDLINE services and sensitize the general public .                      


This was a function jointly organized by the District administration along with ORMAS once in a year to restore tribal culture and create an avenue for the entrepreneurs, Govt departments, traders and the artists to market their products as well exchange their ideas . Also it is a great platform to exchange the cultural values, traditions and talents among the states and different sections of the people

13 CHILDLINE-Rayagada was allotted with   a  stall in the CHAITI festival by the  Collector to reach more people and CHILDLINE had also utilized the same opportunity. The stall had become so attractive with pictures and posters containing the messages of    CHILDLINE .Everyday a large number of people mostly the school and college students were being attracted and help propagating the messages of CHILDLINE everywhere and to everybody.  CHILDLINE also roped one cartoon in the stall to attract more viewers to the stall. Mr. LalaBihari Himirika, Hon’ble Minister, SC & ST Development Department along with Dist. Level officials paid visit to our stall and appreciated the effort of CHILDLINE.

Every evening was packed with cultural programmes performed by the artists in and out of the state.


Glimpses of the stall at CHAITI Celebration , Rayagada

December 16, 2011


A block level workshop on  DSCN5489participatory communication was organised at Shakti Rural Development Training Centre, Ramanaguda. It was organised to improve the communication skill of field level functionaries of health department.

The medical officer,block programme officer,female health worker, ASHA and ICDS supervisor of Ramanaguda block were participated in the workshop. 

 DSCN5499 CMAI (Christian Medical Association of India) Training co-ordinator  Mr. Amitav Raula and Shakti co- ordinator gave more stress on   people centric communicating skill to disseminate the public entitlements under NRHM (National Rural Health Mission). 

December 9, 2011

The Role of AWW in NRHM ….

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SHAKTI – CHIN has conducted an one day training on NRHM entitlements to Anganwadi Workers (AWW) of Ramanaguda block  at Shakti Rural Development Training Centre,Ramanaguda.

25 nos of AWW participated  the training. Innovative training methodology, playing card games,telling stories and group discussion & power point slide presentation is used in the training.

The main objective of the training was to develop the skill of ICDS workers on communication  by which they can play their role and responsibility  perfectly to help the community to avail the benefits of NRHM.

The participants enjoyed the training and have understood the schemes ,role & responsibility and how to solve problems in communicating to the people. At the end of the training the participants gave post test on the given questionnaire.

December 6, 2011



clip_image002Doinla Puala from Tokapadu village under Seshkal P.S of Rayagada Block is a 8 year old tribal boy having a tumor in his belly needs to be immediately operated to save his life as Doctors say.

He is the only son to his parents living in a remote tribal village inside the forest where forest produces are only the earning source for the dwellers.

Doinla’s father Gangana has no financial capability to meet an expensive surgery treatment for Doinla to remove the tumor. Even he is unable to afford to a doctor for a primary check-up.

clip_image004While CHILDLINE Team was engaged in identifying the differently abled children from the villages to facilitate them obtaining disability certificate from the authority to make them eligible to avail benefits from the different Govt. schemes, saw Doinla was crying and rolling over the ground out of pain. They have brought the child to a surgeon for consultation and advised to take him for an immediate surgery.

Now CHILDLINE-Rayagada is appealing each and every individual and begging for Doinla to release him from the pain. He is to be sent to a hospital for surgery either at Berhampur or Cuttack.

Can you please extend your helping hand for Doinla’s treatment?

Your donation may be sent in shape of Bank Draft drawn in favour of SHAKTI Organisation, Rayagada in the following address;




Phone :- 06856-225255/225355

November 25, 2011

District level advocacy workshop…

DSC08041 DSC08031 Shakti in collaboration with UNICEF conducted district level advocacy workshop on IYCF (Infant and Young Child Feeding ) at Rayagada on 23rd Nov.

The main objective of this workshop was to do advocacy on the NRHM entitlements & IYCF methods.  30 members including CDPO (Child Development Programme Officer),ICDS supervisor,S.H.G members were attended the workshop.District  Project co-ordinator of UNICEF and OVHA told the proper method of infant feeding.They also discussed how to do advocacy at field level and what is the use of it. 

November 19, 2011








Shakti staff arranged a picnic cum   farewell party at Halwa Tota (picnic spot) near the Rayagada town on Friday. The party was for the VSO volunteer Ms.Sheila Ash from England  who worked in Shakti organisation for two years.  She was a very kind lady and had very good exposure to different countries. She dedicated her time for the good documentation progress.  All the staff members of Shakti have learned a lot from her.

Shakti team wishes her all success and good health .

October 25, 2011

Shakti has Web Album on women empowerment…


Women Empowerment

Shakti started its web album on Women Empowerment programmes of different projects.

October 13, 2011

SHAKTI begins presence on SlideShare……

This is the first presentation from Shakti Organisation on SlideShare. We will welcome all the viewers.

September 26, 2011


CHILDLINE Facilitated Rescue & Restoration of 80 Children from a   Boys Hostel of central Rayagada town .

On 15th  our CHILDLINE team got information about this issue from CWC( Child Welfare Committee). The team rushed to  know actual matter . A 12 year old innocent boy after being tortured and abused  ran away from the hostel.He was found in the railway station rescued by the GRPF (Government Railway police Force)police. The police informed to the CWC about it. 

When clip_image002CHILDLINE staff reached the Railway Police station, they saw media fellows along with one member of CWC had  started interrogating the boy. There, in front of everybody, he opened the Pandora’s Box of humiliation, torture both mental and physical in the hostel.

After seeing and realising the situation,   CHILDLINE through CWC took the matter to the District Collector for a drastic action of the situation . District Administration finally filed an F.I.R (First Information Report) with the police and issued a warrant for arrest .  CHILDLINE with the help of District Administration,  rescued all the  children from the hostel and put them in a shelter home to restore them with their family after finishing the procedural follow-up.

On 16th, the CWC instructed CHILDLINE to trace each and every family for restoration of these  rescued children. The District Administration with the leadership of DSWO (District Social Welfare Officer) helped CHILDLINE restore the children to  their family . This process took  all of  four days . This was possible due to the deep involvement, influence and good rapport of the CHILDLINE with the District Administration.

Out of 8o, 62 children who  restored to the parents had admitted in residential hostels under ST & SC development department of govt. to continue their education. Rest of the other district children process is going on.

September 15, 2011



As we know that “a picture  says a thousand words “,  so to improve the skill of taking photo a one day training on photography was done in Shakti office Rayagada. All the staff of Shakti organisation  attended the training. Ms.Sheila Ash, VSO volunteer working in Shakti explained about the importance,objectives  of photography and also how to take a  technically good quality photo .  After that all staffs did  group work  on project photos.

Mr.Krusna Prasad Patanaik a well-known photographer of Rayagada town gave practical technical training on digital cameras.

Shakti team were pleased  to improve their knowledge on photography.

September 5, 2011



A district level four days workshop was organised by CHILDLINE India Foundation at Rayagada ITDA conference hall from 27th to 30th August. It was about CHILDLINE service of the toll free no. 1098.

CHILDLINE is a sponsored programme under the Ministry of Women and Child Development , Govt. of India. On the opening ceremony Mrs Manjula Mishra, Programme officer of Dist.ICDS (Integrated Child Development Service) and Mr Hrudananda Panda, chair person of DCWC (District Child Welfare Committee) attended. Mr.Abesh Bannererje and Mr.Vimal Samantray from regional office Kolkata conducted the workshop with functionaries of Shakti.

On the last day Shakti CHILDLINE team organised an awareness programme at Rayagada main market and in the upper primary school in Sastrinagar and received a good response from the public and the school children.

August 28, 2011


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Shakti observed the IYCF (Infant and Young Child Feeding) week as first week of August in Kashipur and K.Singhpur blocks with the collaboration of ICDS (Integrated Child Development Service).

The moto of celebrating this week is to give awareness about the importance of breast feeding and reduce childhood morbidity and mortality because it is necessary to focus on avoiding malnutrition in children below the age of 2 years.

All the village members , pregnant women and lactating mothers were made aware of the usefulness and benefits of breast feeding for infants.They conducted the street play on breast feeding . Afterwards to ensure the message had reached to the villagers or not they had a question & answer session . Shakti team distributed the prize to the winning person.

August 18, 2011



Shakti has appointed Mr.Ramesh Chandra Nayak  as the co-ordinator of Shakti Childline Rayagada district. He is an eminent personality having 21 years of experience as programme monitoring officer in a National level NGO ,PREPARE-India. He has an M.A in Social Work. He is an experienced staff manager and has domain expertise in driving advocacy and livelihood projects for Tribal Empowerment,Food Security,Biodiversity conservation,women empowerment and Micro credit using participatory philosophy and techniques.

He did one federation for the tribal land less people where 89 people got their right to own their land who were previously exploited and deprived from their right . Mr. Nayak says “I am looking forward to advancing child rights in Rayagada”.

We welcome  Mr. Nayak to Shakti.




August 9, 2011


SHAKTI got a  new project from UNICEF to work at Rayagada district named SURAKHYA .

OVHA (Orissa Voluntary Health Association) and UNICEF in partnership with the Government of Orissa are launching this IYCF (Infant and Young Child Feeding ) initiative in the state as Project SURAKHYA. The project aims to introduce, improve, strengthen evaluate and sustain the key infant and young child feeding practices at the household and community level .

To reduce childhood morbidity and mortality it is necessary to focus on avoiding malnutrition in children below the age of 2 years. Of all proven preventive health and nutrition interventions, IYCF Practices  have the single greatest potential impact on child survival. Therefore, reduction of child mortality can be reached only when nutrition in early childhood and IYCF specifically are highly prioritized in national policies and strategies.

This initiative looks at strengthening interpersonal communication of frontline functionaries for counselling mothers and care givers on improved IYCF practices

          SURAKHYA: This is a Odiya word meaning the act of protection.

July 28, 2011



SHAKTI CHILDLINE has successfully completed its first rescue of three fifteen year old children (from Chennai) on 23rd July .

We received the first phone call on 22nd July about these three children from CHILDLINE-Berhampur . Our team members rushed to the villages of those children to trace out their parents .The CHILDLINE-Berhampur staff brought the children to Rayagada on 23rd. we produce all of them before CWC (Child Welfare Committee), Rayagada. One of them was restored to his parents on the same day. The other two were handed over to Adruta Children Home, Rayagada because their parents could not reach Rayagada until the following day. We worked with Bissamcuttack CHILDLINE staff to facilitate their parents arrival. After doing all the formalities the remaining two children were restored safely to their home.

Note: SHAKTI will not disclose the children’s name for to keep them safe.

July 15, 2011


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SHAKTI has been working on CHIN project for one year. A block level workshop was held at Ramanaguda office. The purpose was to  share  experiences of the year working to improve the awareness of NRHM entitlements and to discuss  further development .The workshop was attended by the Block Development Officer, ICDS Officer & Supervisor, Medical Officer, Block Programme Officer, Female Health Worker, ASHA, Aanganwadi Worker of Ramnaguda block and field co-ordinator of NRHM,Programme Manager of CMAI and Shakti CHIN staff .

July 4, 2011


childline_logo  SHAKTI  has been active in the field of Child rights promotion since 2000. It has implemented a lot of programmes to ensure Child Rights in its operational area-Rayagada District. It has also a good experience of managing Child Labour Schools for 10 years and it has mainstreamed 250 child labours into the education system through Child Labour Special School.

Now Shakti has the  CHILDLINE project  to operate in Rayagada district which will work to rescue  children age.6 to 16 from different hazards . It will operate 24x7 with a toll free phone no. 1098  giving free  phone emergency outreach service  for children in need of care and protection..

June 23, 2011



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Shakti CHIN has done a village level micro plan on health problems at Panasaguda village of Ramanaguda block.The members of Gaon Kalyan Samiti, Self Help Groups and pregnant and lactating mothers shared the problems found in their village.They found that diarrhoea and dysentery are the common diseases and issues surrounding institutional delivery.

Our Shakti CHIN staff made an action plan on this. They did the community awareness on these issues by  using wall pictures .They discussed the primary preventive methods and possible treatments for diarrhoea and dysentery .Another topic of discussion was the NRHM (National Rural Health Mission) entitlements available for institutional delivery. All the community members of Panasguda village were happy to know all  about this.

June 17, 2011









Mr. Corey Grone, MIS advisor working at  SOVA ,Koraput as a VSO volunteer was kind enough to train us on the Local Area Network connection and web design. He came to our organisation for three days ,he taught us how to clean the computer hard disk and guided us how to keep data for sharing, backup and recovery. Shakti has now the LAN connection which gives us a secure backup and recovery process .

May 11, 2011


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One of the well-wisher donated two air coolers to our old age home for cooling the extreme heat.We have very peak time in the month of May because the temperature rises up to 47 to 48C.It is difficult for the elderly to tolerate that heat. This cooler will give little relaxment to our residents to overcome the heat.We extend our thank to Mr.Praveen Kumar for refreshing cool breeze.

April 29, 2011




  On 18th April SHAKTI hosted TERI  workshop aimed at encouraging other local NGOs  participate in Light A Billion Lives Project which   SHAKTI is a member. Mr.  Prasant Swain ,research associate of TERI presented the workshop.


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SHAKTI has been doing the child labour school under NCLP project from  2000. Near about 250 students have enrolled in our school. All  the students  have successfully  been admitted in several high schools passing the entrance exam at Rayagada. Our students are doing well not only as academics but also in different extra curricular activities. Some of them have represented Odisha in state level dance and sport competitions.

April 7, 2011


The Ganesh Charitable Trust , one of the well-wisher of our old age home have given 1000 liter water tank for the residents of our home. With the help of water tank and plumbing our residents feel very happy that they no longer have to carry water.

Mr.Seshgiri , Praveen and their friends gave one inverter to the home. Our residents are happy because it will provide electricity in the time of power cuts.

We are very much thankful to both the members of Ganesh Charitable Trust and Mr.Seshgiri and their friends. We hope for their continued co-operation and support in the future.IMG_0277

March 29, 2011


In collaboration with VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) and SHAKTI , a three day workshop was held on 23.03.11 to 25.03.11 about HIV/AIDS & DISABILITY. Mr.Akhil Ranjan Panda & Mr. Pravat Satapathy explained about difference between HIV & AIDS , its history, mode of transmission, social stigma about HIV/AIDS & volunerablity of HIV infection . Mr.Sarat Patro and Mr. Niranjan P3242973Behera explained about the technical points about HIV/AIDS, implementing agencies and support unit for testing, benefits from govt. for positive people and Human Rights and AIDS.

Mr. Jagannath Mishra from EKTA Koraput spoke about the types of disability, causes , the schemes available for people with disabilities.

All the staff members of SHAKTI and the invitees of other local NGOs attended the workshop. Everyone went away enthused about mainstreaming their new awareness into their community work.P3253005P3242935

February 15, 2011



Our OTELP Team of Kashipur Block have been very busy over the last month arranging training and exposure visits. They took  their SHG Groups and VDC(Village Development Committee) members from ten villages for exposure visit on dt.19.12.10 to 22.10.11 to three district of Odisha. They divided into three teams . One team under Mr. Manoj Beuria went to visit  the Integrated Development Training Centre at Saroda in Ganjam district , where they saw Diary farming, Duckery, Vermi compost production , Poultry & Aquaculture .

DSCI3243 As part of their community empowerment programme ,the second team with their team leader Mr.Hemant Kumar Meher went to Patnagarh Block of Bolangir District to see income generating activities  including  making candles, incense- sticks and pampads.

The third team of Mr.Girish Mishra, Mr. Manas Ranjan Tripathy with Mr.Amiya Kumar Panda went to Chatikona for watershed development  & veterinary training. 

January 12, 2011


P1092456   Our Old Age Home (OAH) Residents had a picnic on Sunday P1092342of 9th January. It was arranged by some of our well wishers of OAH. Students of commerce stream of Rayagada college , VIGNAN Vidyalaya  school , members of Satya Sai Seba Samiti Charitable Trust and the staff of OAH were present there. Members of Satya Sai Seba Samiti started with the Bhajans (Spiritual Songs) then spiritual talks was given by Mr.Salva Raju , commerce lecturer of Rayagada college.

Students of VIGNAN Vidyalaya  provided some entertainment by staging a dance programme . After having lunch members distributed new clothes and bed linen. Lastly students and members shared their feelings about the attachment with the OAH.

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January 6, 2011


Photo credit : (cc-by-nc-nd) Bruno Monginoux /

A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year to all the viewers of Shakti Blog . We hope this new year will bring colourful progress and happiness in everybody's life.