November 19, 2010

CMAI Representatives visit…


 CHIN Project Team Meeting 27-10-10DSC05296






CMAI (Christian Medical Association of India) representative Mr. Mrutunjaya Nayak visited our operational area of CHIN (Communication for Health India Network) Project. He attended the training Programme of  ASHA members which was going on at SHAKTI Rural Development Training centre , Ramanaguda. Then he had a meeting with all the staff members of CHIN project at SHAKTI office, Rayagada. He discussed about the queries and problems faced by the staffs and the progress of the project. He appreciated the programme organising skill of SHAKTI CHIN team. He praised the  innovative approach in updating Health Wall and use of Flip Book by ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) during home Counseling. 

November 15, 2010

Foreigners Visit our Old Age Home…


Two Britishers named Catherine Dickens and Judith Bandy with our  co-staff VSO volunteer Sheila Ash visited the Old Age Home . They interact with all the residents about their lives . They are pleased to see the way the residents are staying and the vegetable garden . Our residents also became happy with their visit and they shake their hands with them.

November 12, 2010

British Teacher visits our school…


On 9th November , Mrs. Catherine Dickens with her two friends named Judith and Sheila visited our NCLP (National Child Labour Project) schPB090446ool. She is a very good English teacher. Our school children and staff welcomed them nicely. She had a good time with the children , shaking hands and asking them their names. She played some innovative and interactive language building games with the children . The school children felt very happy that the visitors came to their school.PB090418

Mrs. Dickens said “ I was delighted to visit the school . The teachers are doing a good job . The children are well behaved and very good with their numbers.”

October 11, 2010

Welcome to our volunteer….

DSC05206 We are happy that an Australian V.S.O volunteer Ms. Brooke Arnold arrived here to do the work with us  for three weeks on fundraising. We hope she will feel fine and help us to improve fundraising and donor mapping.

October 7, 2010

Celebration of international elders day..

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The International Elders Day was celebrated grandly in the premises of Shakti Old Age Home. The D.S.W.O  of Rayagada Dist. ,  attended as the chief guest of the function. Mr. Arun Ku. Lenka, Editor of Indian Labour Union  attended as the chief speaker. Mr.D.Satyanarayana President of Rayagada Satya Sai seba samiti  attended as speaker.

Students of VIGNAN Vidyalaya, Members of Ganesh Charitable Trust, Members of Siridi Sai Seba Samiti, Members of Satya Sai Seba Samiti, Members of Lioness Club and many dignitaries  of Rayagada dist. have attended the function.

In the evening the A.D.G (Additional District judge), Sub judge, S.D.G.M, Eminent  Advocate Mr. N.K.Dash and members of Bar Association celebrated the elders day with giving awareness about the legal rights. They also distributed filter and charging lights to the old age home and fruits and snacks to the inmates.

September 6, 2010


Some of our good enthusiastic staff  got jobs in MART and DFID sponsored nutrition projects in Odisha.

Mr.Santosh Prasad Mandangi , Mr. Digambara DasBabu  in MART & Mr. Mana Ranjan Sahoo, Mr. Rashmi Ranjan Swain, Mr. Harish Chandra Dhal and Mr. Sudarshan Biswal in Nutrition Project. We thank them for their  past contribution to our forest and health projects.

We wish them all success and colourful progress in their life and career.

Villages make decision to participate in Solar Lantern project

On Tuesday 24th August, Shakti Organisation General Secretary Mr Akhil Panda accompanied TERI State Representative Mr Prasant Kumar Swain to K Marapas, Musatakiri and Barangpas villages in Kasipur block, Rayagada District with local project leader Manoj Kumar Beuria to conduct meetings with village representatives , Women's SHG Presidents and other villagers to discuss participation in TERI's Lighting a Billion Lives Project. It is expected that 7 villages in the area, all having no electricity supply, will participate in the first phase of this effort which is being facilitated through the auspices of Shakti Organisation. This project will bring the benefits of Solar Lanterns to each household, and provide employment for one local youth from each village who will be trained to manage the village charging station. Using a Fee for Service model will ensure long term sustainability of Lantern use by building up a village household fund for battery replacement and maintenance activities.

K Marapas Meeting

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K Marapas meetingEeryone squeezes into village meeting hall

Musatakiri Meeting

Musatakire meeting P8240035

All IP rights (trademark, copyright and others) in respect of “Lighting a Billion Lives” rests with TERI

May 22, 2010

We are recruiting..

We are seeking applications from suitably qualified persons for several
Watershed Development Team positions

CMAI chooses Shakti Oragnisation as partner

Shakti is please to announce that it has been chosen to be a partner in the CHIN for Change Programme organised by the Christian Medical Association of India (CMAI)

This is a Participatory Communication Initiative for improving access to public healthcare services for rural communities. It aims to build the capacity of community members, community organizations and the public health providers in communicating their needs, entitlements and challenges, so that the public is able to demand and receive their entitlements as promised under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM).

The project objectives are
(1) To develop a participatory communication strategy (including communication packages) to advocate for health entitlements of rural communities.
(2) To enhance the capacity of the service providers, civil society organizations, media and PRI on communicating and advocating for NRHM commitments.
(3) To promote community awareness on NRHM entitlements.
(4) To form & to promote exchange of forums/round tables among various stakeholders the experiences, innovations, learning and challenges.
(5) To document & disseminate key processes and learnings

Shakti Organisation has been chosen as one of CMAI's partners in Orissa. Shakti's role will be one of community sensitization, advocacy and the facilitation of systems strengthening. After conducting a baseline survey, Shakti will employ an evidence based action approach to develop participatory communications strategies designed to build awareness and increase knowledge within the community of the available public health services so leading to demand creation and increased utilization levels.

CHIN Communication Initiative for Health India Networking
CHANGE Communication Health Advocacy in NRHM Grassroots Empowerment

May 21, 2010


Welcome to the news blog from Shakti Organisation.

This blog will bring you our news. It will tell you about successful funding applications, new projects we are beginning to work on, important project achievements and stories from our beneficiaries.

We welcome your input, comments and suggestions.