January 22, 2019

Good Work is always rewarded: Global giving…

SHAKTI (SSCSO) is an active member of the Global giving community with a GG Rewards Leader status as of December 31st, 2018. With the dedication and great work, the organisation has been vetted by Global Giving. It deserves as a trusted partner and change maker in the world.
It has also received the Site Visit Verified badge for hosting a global giving representative.                 
We are very much thankful to Global giving team for giving Shakti, badges like Vetted and Site Visit Verified, which will inspire us to work more and more. 
We are also very much thankful to our donors for achieving this.

January 19, 2019

Kailyaird: Good Supplement to their family diet…

A Kitchen garden ensures an inexpensive, regular and handy supply of fresh vegetables and fruits which are basic to nutrition. The green vegetables contain vitamins and minerals which protect us against several diseases. The tribal people normally depend upon shifting cultivation and use the cultivated cereals in their food. All the people are not able to purchase vegetables for their consumption. Though the cereals are rich in fibre, vitamins etc. which give energy to the body but vegetables are also barely necessary for the body for developing the immunity power.

So, in order to supplement in their food consumption,100 farmers have supported seedlings of Papaya Banana, Drumstick, Small gourd and  1 pocket seeds of Spinach, Cowpea and Ridge gourd under the project " Sustainable Agriculture For Tribal Farmers " supported by Centre for World Solidarity (CWS).

Whatever they will harvest from their kitchen garden, it will be added to their food basket. Each farmer has received the seeds and seedlings with a cheer on his face and with a promise of nurturing the seedlings to develop into plants and using of the vegetables in their fooding.