September 6, 2010


Some of our good enthusiastic staff  got jobs in MART and DFID sponsored nutrition projects in Odisha.

Mr.Santosh Prasad Mandangi , Mr. Digambara DasBabu  in MART & Mr. Mana Ranjan Sahoo, Mr. Rashmi Ranjan Swain, Mr. Harish Chandra Dhal and Mr. Sudarshan Biswal in Nutrition Project. We thank them for their  past contribution to our forest and health projects.

We wish them all success and colourful progress in their life and career.

Villages make decision to participate in Solar Lantern project

On Tuesday 24th August, Shakti Organisation General Secretary Mr Akhil Panda accompanied TERI State Representative Mr Prasant Kumar Swain to K Marapas, Musatakiri and Barangpas villages in Kasipur block, Rayagada District with local project leader Manoj Kumar Beuria to conduct meetings with village representatives , Women's SHG Presidents and other villagers to discuss participation in TERI's Lighting a Billion Lives Project. It is expected that 7 villages in the area, all having no electricity supply, will participate in the first phase of this effort which is being facilitated through the auspices of Shakti Organisation. This project will bring the benefits of Solar Lanterns to each household, and provide employment for one local youth from each village who will be trained to manage the village charging station. Using a Fee for Service model will ensure long term sustainability of Lantern use by building up a village household fund for battery replacement and maintenance activities.

K Marapas Meeting

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K Marapas meetingEeryone squeezes into village meeting hall

Musatakiri Meeting

Musatakire meeting P8240035

All IP rights (trademark, copyright and others) in respect of “Lighting a Billion Lives” rests with TERI