September 26, 2011


CHILDLINE Facilitated Rescue & Restoration of 80 Children from a   Boys Hostel of central Rayagada town .

On 15th  our CHILDLINE team got information about this issue from CWC( Child Welfare Committee). The team rushed to  know actual matter . A 12 year old innocent boy after being tortured and abused  ran away from the hostel.He was found in the railway station rescued by the GRPF (Government Railway police Force)police. The police informed to the CWC about it. 

When clip_image002CHILDLINE staff reached the Railway Police station, they saw media fellows along with one member of CWC had  started interrogating the boy. There, in front of everybody, he opened the Pandora’s Box of humiliation, torture both mental and physical in the hostel.

After seeing and realising the situation,   CHILDLINE through CWC took the matter to the District Collector for a drastic action of the situation . District Administration finally filed an F.I.R (First Information Report) with the police and issued a warrant for arrest .  CHILDLINE with the help of District Administration,  rescued all the  children from the hostel and put them in a shelter home to restore them with their family after finishing the procedural follow-up.

On 16th, the CWC instructed CHILDLINE to trace each and every family for restoration of these  rescued children. The District Administration with the leadership of DSWO (District Social Welfare Officer) helped CHILDLINE restore the children to  their family . This process took  all of  four days . This was possible due to the deep involvement, influence and good rapport of the CHILDLINE with the District Administration.

Out of 8o, 62 children who  restored to the parents had admitted in residential hostels under ST & SC development department of govt. to continue their education. Rest of the other district children process is going on.

September 15, 2011



As we know that “a picture  says a thousand words “,  so to improve the skill of taking photo a one day training on photography was done in Shakti office Rayagada. All the staff of Shakti organisation  attended the training. Ms.Sheila Ash, VSO volunteer working in Shakti explained about the importance,objectives  of photography and also how to take a  technically good quality photo .  After that all staffs did  group work  on project photos.

Mr.Krusna Prasad Patanaik a well-known photographer of Rayagada town gave practical technical training on digital cameras.

Shakti team were pleased  to improve their knowledge on photography.

September 5, 2011



A district level four days workshop was organised by CHILDLINE India Foundation at Rayagada ITDA conference hall from 27th to 30th August. It was about CHILDLINE service of the toll free no. 1098.

CHILDLINE is a sponsored programme under the Ministry of Women and Child Development , Govt. of India. On the opening ceremony Mrs Manjula Mishra, Programme officer of Dist.ICDS (Integrated Child Development Service) and Mr Hrudananda Panda, chair person of DCWC (District Child Welfare Committee) attended. Mr.Abesh Bannererje and Mr.Vimal Samantray from regional office Kolkata conducted the workshop with functionaries of Shakti.

On the last day Shakti CHILDLINE team organised an awareness programme at Rayagada main market and in the upper primary school in Sastrinagar and received a good response from the public and the school children.